Professor Chor-sang Chim, MBChB (CUHK), MD (HK), PhD (HK), MRCP (UK), FRCP (London, Edinburgh & Glasgow), FACP, FRCPath, FFSc (RCPA), FHKCP, FHKAM
S H Ho Professorship in Haematology and Oncology, Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong, China |
Biography: |
Prof James Chimis a clinician scientist interested in clinical and epigenetic studies of tumor suppressor genes in blood cancers. He has published >230 papers including Blood, Journal of Clinical Oncology& Leukemia. He was awarded the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award in 2009, and is Visiting Professor of Peking University, Sichuan University, Soochow University and Beijing PLA 301 Hospital. |
He is a Member of the International Myeloma Working Group, Executive Committee member of the Asia Myeloma Network, member of the Epigenetics Society, and Chairman of Education Program, Asia Pacific Hematology Consortium. Moreover, he is Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists, and Founding Fellow of the Faculty of Science, Royal College of Pathologist of Australasia. He has served as the international reviewer for the American Society of Hematology Meeting, and prestigious funding organizations including Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research, Leukemia Research, Cancer Research, A*Star of Singapore, Association for International Cancer Research. |
Currently, he is the editorial board member of Clinical Epigenetics, Epigenomics, Journal of Hematology & Oncology, Bone Marrow Transplantation, Blood Cancer Journal. |
Locally, he is also the Founding Chairman of the Hong Kong Society of Myeloma & Member of Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) Grant Review Board. |
Session: |
21st November 2015 (Saturday) |
10:30 – 12:00 |
Plenary Section II |